At EPIQORE we conduct our business according to the highest ethical standards. We expect our candidates and the associates we place at clients to do the same. We are committed to providing the best and most competitive talent solutions in the industry. Adhering to the principles outlined below will help us achieve that goal.

  1. Obey the law. Comply with all applicable state, local and federal laws, rules and regulations.
  2. Avoid conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest exists when a person’s private interest interferes – or appears to interfere – with the interests of EPIQORE or the client.
  3. Demonstrate businesslike behavior at all times. Drinking, gambling, fighting, swearing and similar unprofessional activities are strictly prohibited while on the job.
  4. Do not engage in sexual harassment or behave in any way that could be construed as such.
  5. Treat the client, their facilities and their assets with respect.
  6. Maintain confidentiality of all proprietary information, unless given express written permission otherwise.
  7. Be honest and fair.Report attendance, hours worked and any other information required honestly and accurately. Treat others fairly and respectfully.
  8. Use common sense and good judgment. Avoid actions that may appear to compromise good business judgment.

Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, including possible termination.